Appt #10 – Endo

Off to see my favorite endo again today. Nothing spectacular to report, he was pleased with my numbers. Made some small changes to my basal rates and essentially gave me a pat on the back. I got my blood drawn…

The Dye Ah Bee Tiss

I was thinking today, as I do at times, about fear in the medical community. I was remembering back before I had my first babe. Back before I even got married. Remembering all the things I’d read and heard about…

Appt #9 – OB

(19.5 weeks) As I sat in the waiting room of my OB office, another woman walked in carrying her newborn baby, all tiny and red and bundled snug in the infant carrier.  At her side was her toddler gal, all…

Appt #8 -The Alien and The Baby

Appt #8 -The Alien and The Baby

Today was the day for our “fetal survey.” Which basically means an ultrasound that looks at every possible part of baby, to make sure everything is looking good. They look for certain “markers” or red flags that may indicate certain…

feeling fruity

I know I’ve officially conquered the first trimester yucks because I’m so super craving all good-for-you foods! Salads, fresh veggies and fruits and juices. Today I juiced for the first time in a while, made my favorite which consists of the…

Appt #7 – Midwife, oh just kidding, new Dr!

(17 weeks) Was SOOO not wanting to go to this appointment. I love my OB, but last visit he picked over my sugars more than my endo does and questioned me about several things. It was obnoxious. But I understand his…

Appt #6 – Endo

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this or not, but I love my endo. He’s not allowed to retire, ever. He’s probably mid-60’s, short, average build, glasses, has hair like George Costanza and a slight New York accent. He kinda…

I <3 Moms

When you’re pregnant, especially with your first, everyone and their mom loves to tell you how things will be. “Oh just wait til…” “Oh get your sleep now…”  “Life will never be the same…”  “Make sure you do blah blah…

blue or pink?

Seeing as my Dr wants me to wait until 22-24 weeks to get the fetal survey ultrasound (where they give gender and check all the anatomy etc) and seeing as I’m super impatient and want to get the baby room…

Appt #5 — OB

(13 weeks) I went in today totally expecting him to say “OMG, your sugars look great, keep it up, you’re amazing, you’re like my most favorite patient ever, lets totally be BFF!” Instead I heard, “Well…..your sugars aren’t horrible.” Huh?? Since…